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Crohn’s disease or Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory condition of the intestine. It is most often active in the lower part of the small intestine, but can also be seen active in the mouth or large intestine, even in several places at once. The intestine swells up, becomes thickened with strong redness and with tears and wounds on the inside. Scar tissue formation may occur, which may narrow the bowel. The disease has been on the rise for the last thirty years. Along with ulcerative colitis, the disease goes under chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
The course of the disease is variable. Periods of symptoms such as bloody, mucous diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue and fever are seen. Periods of few or no symptoms are also seen.
The treatment will most often consist of immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are especially given in the event of an outbreak of the disease. Many patients are surgically treated with removal of larger or smaller parts of the intestine.
To date, no bacterium, virus or parasite has been identified as the cause of Crohn’s disease. Other environmental factors in our environment or in the diet have also been studied, but without any connection to the disease being found. Certain hereditary tendencies are seen, and it is known that smoking can stimulate the development of the disease. In addition, studies show that the white blood cells that are supposed to neutralize unwanted bacteria act more slowly in people with Crohn’s disease.
Treatment at Nordic Clinic will include a coverage of the causes as well as a dietary guide that not only focuses on the current problem, but which will also provide the patient with tools to strengthen their health in the future.
At arbejde med årsager indbefatter også, at identificere de ting, som tricker eller forværrer symptomerne. I klinikken har vi gode erfaringer med at symptomkontrollere. Personer på diæt har gode resultater ved blandt andet at tilpasse indtaget af kostfibre, sunde fedtstoffer og undgå fødevarer, der skaber allergiske reaktioner. Vi har fokus på, at immunforsvaret styrkes, så risiko for udbrud minimeres. Dette gøres gennem en identificering og eliminering af mulige årsager til betændelsen, samt en ernæringsmæssig støtte til den belastede tyndtarm.
Some literature shows that imbalances in digestion can start or worsen symptoms. We use a food intolerance analysis that easily shows which foods are suspected to be reacting to. Stool analyzes or urine samples can identify other problems in digestion, e.g. deficiency of lactic acid bacteria, digestive enzymes and stomach acid. Likewise, the analyzes can show whether there is overgrowth of bacteria, fungi or parasites that interfere with digestion.? When the intestine is loaded, it is important that in the healthy part of the intestine there are optimal conditions for nutrient uptake. Based on degradation products in the body’s biochemical processes, a urine sample can indicate whether the body absorbs enough nutrients?
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