At Nordic Clinic, we have different therapists and different options in relation to the choice of consultations. Below you will find prices for consultations.
Anne Catherine Færgemann Clinical Dietitian, M.Sc in Nutritional Medicine
Follow-up consultations of 15 minutes can only be booked by patients who have previously been to the first consultation in the clinic. All consultations must be paid prior to the service.
If you are a member of the Health Insurance “Denmark”, you can get support for a dietitian and acupuncture treatment.
Laboratory analyzes are paid separately and are not included in the consultation prices.
Cancellation or transfer of consultations, please be done as soon as possible, however no later than 3 working days before the consultation itself, otherwise the full consultation amount will be charged. This can be done online, by phone 33 75 10 05 or by e-mail