
Obesity is a growing problem for public health. When the amount of fat in the body is too large in relation to the rest of the body weight, one enters the category of overweight. The many side effects of obesity have great costs personally as well as socially. The mathematical formula Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to assess superficially whether a person is overweight. In general, people are overweight when they have a BMI of more than 25. However, some people are also what is called obese. They look slim, have a normal BMI, but carry fat that is deep around the organs and plays a not insignificant role in relation to the development of lifestyle-related diseases.


Consequences of being overweight can be difficulty walking, back and knee problems, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, gallstones, cardiovascular disease, mental problems etc.


The doctor can tell about healthy eating and recommend exercise. It is also possible to take part in a course exclusively with weight control. In case of severe obesity, appetite suppressant medication may be prescribed or one may be referred for an operation on the stomach, a so-called gastric bypass surgery.


Obesity is a lifestyle disease that more and more people are suffering from. A greater energy intake than the body burns is the simple explanation that one can weigh too much. Furthermore, some people have a biochemical causal relationship, which makes them more prone to becoming overweight. It can e.g. be genetically determined whether one absorbs more fat than others or whether one does not burn fat as easily as other people. Furthermore, not everyone responds with weight loss as a consequence of exercise. Other problems can be imbalance in the intestinal flora or hormonal issues such as. high stress hormone levels, estrogen dominance or low metabolism.


Nordic Clinic treats obese children and adults, first and foremost by uncovering the causes of obesity.

Healthy eating is much more than vegetables and low-fat foods. It is about eating food that is in line with one’s genetic disposition, and which at the same time supports the metabolism and not least it is about ensuring a correct adaptation of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. We guide in diet and lifestyle changes that meet physical and mental needs. It is also obvious that it should fit into the everyday life and lifestyle that the person leads.? We can use laboratory analyzes that support the treatment. It will be e.g. be relevant to use tests for one’s genetic disposition, as well as metabolic function and energy production.

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