
Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that often occurs due to ingestion or inhalation of something that creates an allergic reaction in the body. Approximately 70 per cent of cases of atopic eczema debut in children under five years of age. The incidence has increased significantly in the western world over the last three decades, probably due to environmental and lifestyle changes. Atopic eczema is associated with two other atopic diseases, allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis, which is why it is also called asthma eczema.


Dry, thickened and itchy skin is often seen, which is typically in the bending furrows on the body and face. The rash consists of a blurred demarcated red area with fluid retention and vesicles in the acute stage. In the chronic stage, peeling and thickened skin, also called lichenization, is seen, which is a result of prolonged itching. The areas of eczema can become infected with bacteria, often with  Staphylococcus aureus, which in itself can act as an exacerbating factor on eczema.


The doctor usually makes the diagnosis based on information about the course of the disease and when examining the area of ​​eczema. Cream with adrenocortical hormone can be prescribed and treated with systemic antibiotics. The doctor may further perform a spot test or RAST test to detect an allergic reaction.


An unambiguous cause of eczema does not exist. Heredity plays a big role. Children of parents who have both had childhood eczema, hay fever, asthma and hives have a 75 per cent disease risk.


Treatment at Nordic Clinic will seek to uncover the causes and will be based on advice and dietary guidance that can be used in everyday life with a focus on an anti-inflammatory diet. Working with causes also includes identifying the things that trick or aggravate the symptoms.

Nordic Clinic treats children and adults with eczema. At Nordic Clinic, we have good results with food exclusion in connection with eczema. Even if you are not clearly allergic to food, there may be a reaction due to food intolerance. Therefore, Nordic Clinic uses a food intolerance analysis to accurately identify foods that can cause eczema. Imbalance in the gut microflora can also be the cause of eczema outbreaks. A stool analysis can i.a. Indicate if there is an overgrowth of bacteria, fungi or parasites that interfere with digestion.

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