Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease of the colon and rectum. The disease manifests itself as a superficial inflammatory condition of the intestine that causes ulceration and bleeding.


The first sign of the disease is bloody stools. The course of the disease is variable. There may be periods with symptoms such as bloody, mucous diarrhea, fever, weight loss and periods with few or no symptoms. The stool itself may be of normal consistency if the inflammation sits alone in the rectum. If larger parts of the colon are affected, diarrhea may be experienced. There is usually no abdominal pain in ulcerative colitis.


The treatment will most often consist of a medical treatment. If it is not possible to keep the disease down with medication, a surgical removal of the affected areas will be necessary.


The cause is unknown, but genetic, psychological and environmental factors seem to have a bearing. It is most likely that the disease belongs to the so-called autoimmune diseases, in which the body, for whatever reason, reacts hostilely to its own tissue. In this case, the body reacts to the lining of the colon, causing inflammation.


Nordic Clinic’s therapists recommend relevant analyzes so that targeted treatment can be started, with the aim of reducing the risk of outbreaks. In addition, the burdened colon is supported nutritionally, so that the intestine can be healed and a healthy intestinal flora can be restored.

Our experience shows that the symptoms in some people can be reduced by excluding different foods. At the Nordic Clinic, a food intolerance analysis can state whether the body reacts to specific foods and whether a diet can be initiated. It is known that the intestinal flora plays a role in relation to the inflammatory bowel diseases. Therefore, we also use stool analyzes to identify imbalances in digestion. Likewise, the analyzes can show whether there is overgrowth of bacteria, fungi or parasites that interfere with digestion. It is important that the healthy part of the intestine has optimal conditions for nutrient uptake. A urine sample can, on the basis of degradation products in the body’s biochemical processes, state whether the body absorbs enough nutrients. This is important information, in relation to building a well-functioning immune system.

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