
Depression can occur at any age. It is estimated that every fifth Dane will experience depression at some point in their lives. Whether there is a depression is assessed on the basis of the severity of the symptoms. Regardless of the degree, the quality of life is reduced. There is no opportunity to influence your mood and you experience a feeling of depression and reduced energy. In addition, there is a special form of seasonal depression, best known as “winter depression”, which occurs in the northern hemisphere (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It is characterized by the fact that in addition to being sad, you sleep a lot and have a great need for carbohydrates, most often in the form of “sweet things”.


In addition to a general diminished zest for life, depression can manifest itself in many ways. The classic symptoms are poor night sleep, hopelessness, poor appetite, lack of desire for socializing, self-blame and strong feelings of guilt that can 4 result in suicidal thoughts. Others, on the other hand, may find that they completely lose the ability to feel anything. One can also be very tired and have a lot of pain as an expression of depression.


Depression is treated with antidepressant medication and conversation of a psychological nature.


Depression occurs on the basis of an interplay of social, physical and psychological factors. Research suggests that depression is caused by disruptions in communication between different brain centers. The response to stress and mental strain can be genetically inherited. In addition, long-term stressful situations often precede depression. 


At Nordic Clinic, the treatment will include include a blood sugar stabilizing diet, identifying any digestive problems, as well as recommending a diet that excludes the foods that may adversely affect the depressed person’s brain. For example, an incomplete digestion of milk and gluten will lead to the formation of neuropeptides, which can affect the nervous system and perhaps aggravate the symptoms. Neuropeptides are small morphine-like substances that can be detected by a urine sample.

In addition, the person will be recommended diet and supplements that can set the framework for optimal conditions for the brain and the rest of the body. Vitamin D, light therapy, good sleep hygiene and exercise will also be relevant in the treatment of depression. The treatment can take place in parallel with other treatments.

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