
Stress is a psychophysiological reaction that causes changes in the body and brain when the person is stressed. Stress is not a disease, but the consequences of long-term harmful stress are a growing public health problem. In the individual, stress can be a risk factor for developing health-threatening problems and pre-existing diseases can worsen. According to the WHO, stress will be one of the most significant sources of illness in 2020.


When the body is stressed for a long time, the immune system is strained. Physical and mental symptoms may occur. It can i.a. be poor sleep, headaches, tension in the neck and throat, palpitations, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Mental symptoms such as sadness and anxiety can also occur and eventually lead to depression. Stressed people have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as the stress hormone cortisol can promote atherosclerosis. Other issues that can develop in connection with stress can be frequent infections, muscle or joint diseases and diabetes.


The doctor, together with the patient, will try to find the cause of stress and will then reduce the number of stressors. Sick leave to the workplace can often be a way to reduce stress. Up to every fourth sick leave in Denmark is due to stress.


There is no single cause for stress. One can talk about external influences, such as various environmental influences as well as poor diet, coffee, smoking, alcohol which is a stress factor for the body. 


Extensive changes in hormones (cortisol) and neurotransmitters (especially adrenaline, noradrenaline and serotonin) can occur. We offer a stress analysis, where you can assess the cycle of cortisol and other stress hormones in one day in saliva. Based on the symptoms, comprehensive dietary guidance is given with a focus on strengthening the immune system, balancing adrenal function and relieving discomfort and 2 minimizing the risk of future symptoms. For this, a blood sugar stabilizing diet is used in combination with nutrients that have a stress-balancing effect on a biochemical level.

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