Intestinal health
Intestinal health plays a key role in your health and is associated with many chronic diseases and mental well-being.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Intestinal health is central to our overall health and has been linked to diseases such as autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue and mental health. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a diagnosis with a high population prevalence. & Nbsp; Common symptoms of IBS are constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, bloating and nausea. These diseases primarily routinely rule out more serious diagnoses such as celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s and bowel cancer at the gut doctor. If no irregularities are found, the patient is likely to be diagnosed with IBS and is often just sent home with advice to avoid specific foods. IBS is sometimes considered a diagnosis of exclusion and is often used when no symptoms have been found. Symptoms of IBS can vary widely between individuals and are increasingly being questioned by experts in the field of diagnosis as a unit.
Many patients with IBS feel that their doctors do not understand how a limited life with IBS can be. The disease varies in severity from mild to severe. With severe IBS, the symptoms can significantly affect the quality of life. In addition, IBS often goes hand in hand with mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress sensitivity. The cause of the compound is inflammation. Inflammation of the intestine leads to inflammation of the brain, with mental disorders as a result. This area has grown into one of the “hottest” fields in medical research. In addition, research points to gastrointestinal problems as one of the main risk factors for a loss of productivity in the workplace. Thus, there are plenty of incentives to dig deeper when encountering IBS symptoms than to make a diagnosis – both for the individual and from a socio-economic perspective.
No one develops IBS for no reason. There is a lot of research that shows what triggers IBS symptoms. Many of these reasons are also easy to clarify by testing. The following factors have been identified as possible causes of IBS symptoms:
- Gastroenteritis (infection)
- Intestinal flora imbalance
- Diet
- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- Autoimmune reaction (result of an infection)
In the Nordic Clinic, we have a holistic approach to IBS. We work with diet and lifestyle as well as different types of laboratory samples to identify infections, SIBO and other imbalances in the intestinal flora. If necessary, we can look at the stress hormones as well. Many of our patients experience mild symptomatic relief when treatment is underway.
SIBO bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine
Intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is one of the most common diseases we address at Nordic Clinic. While the large intestine contains high levels of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and parasites), the small intestine is usually sparsely “populated” by microbes. Several different factors can contribute to an abnormal increase in the number of microbes within the small intestine. Examples of this are excessive antibiotic use, a sugary diet ect. Consequences of SIBO can be air and stomach pain, chronic diarrhea or constipation, decreased nutrient uptake, indigestion, inflammation and increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa ”(also called“ leaky gut ”). This list of symptoms is often led to a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. irritable -IBS. In the long run, SIBO can cause inflammation systematically in the body and has been identified as an underlying or contributing cause in a number of clinical conditions.
At Nordic Clinic, we have extensive experience in laboratory tests and treatment of SIBO. SIBO can occur as a result of the growth of methane and hydrogen producing microorganisms and when we suspect SIBO we can use a laboratory sample where the two gases are measured in the patient’s exhaled air. Individual treatment is prescribed based on a test result and the overall symptom picture. Then, we reevaluate the patients’ symptoms. Often the patient has to take a test again to ensure that the treatment has the desired effect.
Inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of conditions that include the autoimmune diseases colitis ulcerative and Crohn’s diseases. The understanding of IBD has grown, thanks to research. It is now known that the potential causes of these diseases are many and can vary between different patients. Factors that researchers have been able to identify are diet, stress, cesarean section, use of antibiotics and nutritional deficiencies and other aspects of our modern lifestyle. First of all, there are some abnormalities that have been found in several different factors that affect the function of the intestine and the composition of the intestinal flora in these patients. Examples are bacterial or fungal infections, SIBO, imbalances between different groups of intestinal bacteria and reduced amounts of essential fatty acids produced by good bacteria. Due to the underlying causes of IBD varies between individuals, treatment must be individually tailored.