Eating disorders

There are immediately and simply described three different kinds of eating disorders; bulimia, anorexia and overeating. In bulimia, the food is vomited, in anorexia it is eaten minimally and in the case of overeating, extremely large amounts of food are eaten, which can be followed by vomiting.


Depending on the degree of the eating disorder, the person can take part in a course with their own doctor with, for example, weight control. Otherwise, you can be referred to be part of a course of treatment at a hospital or other type of treatment centre.


Common to the eating disorders is that it is not the food itself that is the key problem. On the other hand, it is primarily mental issues that the person experiences as having more control over if they can control the food at the same time. One can look at the disease as a defence mechanism against emotions that cannot be handled. Eating situations can e.g. be perceived as anxiety-provoking or guilt-ridden.


In the treatment of eating disorders, it is primary to identify the causes that trick or aggravate the symptoms that occur in an inappropriate situation with poor nutrition. In particular, stomach problems are seen in the form of irritable bowel syndrome in connection with eating disorders and uncovering causes can be an important piece in the investigation of the eating disorder. Is the eating disorder due to skewed neurotransmitter function such as low metabolic markers from serotonin and dopamine, balancing the nervous system can also become a focus area, as can the exclusion of foods such as milk and gluten, which are seen to be able to form morphine-like compounds by digestion, may be relevant.

Studies show that deficiency of specific minerals can be important for people with eating disorders. Whether it is cause or consequence is not always known. Our guidance will be based on nutrients, which in addition to being vital for the body can have an impact on this type of health problem. The patient will be involved in an individual diet plan, where the composition and amount of food stem from the person’s own unique challenge. Attention will also be focused on the digestive processes in order to avoid bloating, flatulence or other nuisances associated with eating. In addition, weight control can be included in the course of treatment.  

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