Food intolerance

Food intolerance is a reaction to specific foods. The response can be measured on the antibodies IgG in the blood.


The symptoms usually come on insidiously 2-24 hours after ingestion. Symptoms can include stomach pain, migraines, eczema and digestive problems. However, other symptoms that are not immediately associated with a food reaction are difficulty concentrating, sore throat, otitis media, overweight, fatigue, sore muscles, etc. The symptoms may initially appear in a mild form and then gradually worsen.


An elimination diet can be tried, where known symptomatic foods are removed for a period of time, and then reintroduced the foods little by little and assessed whether symptoms occur.


One of the factors that may influence the development of intolerance to certain foods is the extent and frequency of intake. Another factor may be a congested gastrointestinal tract that has arisen, for example, after an infection.

The extent of food intolerance is far more widespread than previously thought. The causes have not yet been identified, but the processing of our food seems to be of great importance. Especially the industrially processed ones, which are not nature-identical, which is why the body does not recognize them and reacts to them instead of using them.


Studies show that over half of the population in the western world has a food intolerance. That is, the immune system is strained every time they eat the food, and the body responds with varying symptoms. With the right support as well as the exclusion of the provocative foods, the intolerance can often disappear after approx. 3 months and the foods can be reintroduced into the diet.

At Nordic Clinic, it is possible to analyze which foods are reacted to. The analysis provides information on the degree of intolerance and analyzes for up to 184 different foods. This is a quick and safe way to identify stressful foods. After this, it is most often possible, by a total exclusion of the food for 3-6 months, to reintroduce the majority into the diet without reactions.

Poor digestion is most often a contributing factor to the development of food intolerance. Overgrowth of fungi and bacteria, lack of digestive enzymes, and intestine that due to prolonged exposure has become leaky and therefore can not hold e.g. protein parts out of the bloodstream, is a strain on the immune system. All factors are of great importance for the development and remedy of food intolerance, which is why Nordic Clinic can offer analyzes that can uncover specific problems. In the treatment, together with the analysis answers, suggestions are also given for dietary changes, as well as dietary supplements and provocation of food. 

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