
There are several types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, reactive arthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Common to them is that there may be autoimmune reactions and inflammation involved. Arthritis can affect the entire body, but most often affects the joints. It is not only reserved for older people, as many younger people and children can also get arthritis.


Arthritis is a common disease that can affect all people. The symptoms are different and depend on the type of arthritis. Among other things, occur joint pain, fever and consequent fatigue. It is important to get the right diagnosis in time, as an arthritic disease can cause permanent damage to health, vision and mobility.


Your own doctor can take various samples to assess the patient’s condition. Depending on the age and nature of the symptoms, the patient may be referred to a rheumatologist. Treatment of arthritis patients most often takes place with medication. Arthritis patients can also be instructed in how the body can be relieved and get aids for this.


Arthritis is a multifactorial disease in which heredity and environment are important. Examples may be food reactions, digestive problems, malnutrition, obesity, microorganisms such as viruses, fungi and parasites.


Treatment at Nordic Clinic will include a coverage of the causes of the health problems as well as a dietary guide that not only focuses on the current problem, but which will also provide the patient with tools to strengthen health in the future. Working with causes also includes identifying the things that trick or aggravate the symptoms.

Studies show that there may be an improvement in arthritis symptoms by e.g. to adjust the diet. Nordic Clinic offers food analyzes that can reveal which foods can aggravate the symptoms of arthritis and which will contribute to improved health in the future. In addition to guidance in an anti-inflammatory diet, a stool analysis can reveal whether there is an overgrowth of fungi, bacteria or parasites that interfere with digestion and possibly can trick the autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Other imbalances such as lack of lactic acid bacteria, digestive enzymes and stomach acid as well as essential fatty acids will also be covered. The focus can also be on the relationship between the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in the body. Since these codes resp. anti-inflammatory and inflammatory.

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