
Ripuli tarkoittaa vetistä ulostetta yli kaksi kertaa päivässä. Jos ripuli on jatkuvaa, sen aiheuttaja tulee tutkia ja hoitaa. Ripuli voi olla oire suolistosairaudesta ja pitkään jatkuneena johtaa ravitsemuksellisiin puutostiloihin.


Oireina ovat ohuet ja vetiset ulosteet. Lisäksi oireisiin voi kuulua, vatsakipu ja kuume. 


Lääkäri tutkii mihin ripuli liittyy ja antaa sen mukaisia ruokavalio-ohjeita ja tarvittaessa lääkkeitä.


Ripulille voi olla lukuisia eri syitä. One of the well-known forms is tourist stomach, which can occur in the encounter with foreign bacteria when traveling, or when one has been unlucky to ingest water or food, where poor hygiene has given rise to symptom-causing bacteria. Using antibiotics can also cause diarrhea. Other causes of diarrhea can be food reactions. For example, gluten, milk sugar lactose or the sugar substance sucrose can cause diarrhea. Other causes may be overgrowth of fungi and microorganisms in the gut or too few beneficial lactic acid bacteria. In addition, chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis, also be the cause of diarrhea.


In the treatment of diarrhea, the primary course is to identify and eliminate the cause. Nordic Clinic offers a dietary guide that not only focuses on the current problem, but which will also provide the patient with tools to strengthen their health in the future.

In diarrhea, food is passed quickly through the intestine and the rapid transport reduces the possibility of optimal absorption of nutrients. It is necessary to provide the right nutritional support to the intestinal mucosa in order for it to function optimally again. Part of the treatment will therefore consist of guidance regarding diet, dietary supplements that can treat the cause and uncover any deficiency conditions that have occurred during the period of diarrhea. For this, e.g. a stool sample that can detect imbalances in the intestinal bacterial flora. In addition, a food intolerance analysis can be used that easily shows a possible inappropriate reaction to certain foods.

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