Skin Disorders
The skin disorder group of conditions is large and heterogeneous. Getting to grips with skin issues requires a broad approach.
We work with the following conditions:
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Hives
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Vitiligo
Common skin disorders are acne, hives, eczema, rosacea, keratosis pilaris, psoriasis and vitiligo, the latter two being classified as autoimmune diseases. Several of these conditions are, according to research, strongly influenced by gut flora composition and the overall environment in the gut. Skin symptoms often share similar root causes and traits with allergies and hypersensitivity: gut microbiome abnormalities, an overreactive immune system, as well as flare-ups in times of stress and unhealthy eating. Infections may be involved, for example helicobacter pylori or fungal infections. Vitamin D deficiency is often present in skin conditions. Based on the patient’s unique combination of symptoms, dietary and lifestyle factors and any lab test findings, our practitioners present a strategy to overcome any immune dysfunction causing the skin issues.