
There are many different ways to define the concept of fatigue as it is a very subjective feeling and condition.


Fatigue is expressed differently and there is a difference in how each individual responds to experiencing fatigue. There may be fatigue due to peak periods in one’s life, but if nothing has really changed in one’s everyday life, various illnesses or deficiencies can be the reason for increased fatigue. Here you will often find that you either suddenly or gradually need more and more sleep, and that you are unwell during the waking hours. However, the need for sleep usually decreases throughout life and varies greatly from one to the other.


The most common cause, of course, is too little or too little sleep. Also, anemia in women who are menstruating, pregnancy, iron deficiency, an iron-poor diet are one of the many reasons why one gets tired. One is naturally more tired if the body begins to move more than it is used to. For example, if you start exercising or moving differently, you may not notice that it actually requires getting used to. It is normal to get tired of various infectious diseases. For example, after the flu you are often tired for a few weeks after. It is also common to experience increased fatigue associated with grief or crisis, or decided depression. If you have problems, especially in the winter, it could be winter depression. Fatigue can also be seen in various intestinal diseases that cause a generally decreased nutrient uptake. 


Fatigue is a common cause of contact in general practice and is included as a symptom in about 10 percent of all consultations. The doctor will try out exclusion methods. 


At Nordic Clinic, we investigate possible causes of fatigue. We look at which studies have been done in the past and assess from there which issues may be relevant to go in depth with. Not infrequently, there is a focus on the most basic of the body’s function, namely cell function, or rather called mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are located inside the body’s cells and are our energy center, because here energy, also called ATP, is formed for the body’s many functions. If this basic function is stressed, the treatment will focus on repairing cell walls and supplying essential nutrients for precisely energy conversion. In addition, it is assessed whether there are metabolic problems or ”tired adrenal glands” with low cortisol levels. Infections and stomach problems can also be a cause of fatigue and studies can be initiated that can detect possible dysbiosis – abnormalities in the intestinal microflora. Fundamentally, the diet will be reviewed with a focus on stable blood sugar and the exclusion of any foods to which hypersensitivity is experienced.

Typical laboratory samples that can be used are urine samples to assess energy production, saliva samples for the adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA, as well as spot test metabolic function.

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